IT Audit

Our Audit Services comprises of IT Infrastructure Audit (Network / Servers / Endpoints / Connectivity / Power) for Performance / Security / Scalability, ERP / SW Application Audit for Business Alignment. We give gaps and recommendations on IT investments done vs. Business goals. 



Our Technology Audit includes various components and addresses the critical and major pain points of different IT areas as detailed below:

  • Sudden power failure of UPS
  • Over-utilisation and under-utilisation of UPS capacity
  • UPS power cabling issues
  • Battery backup for the load applied
  • Climate control measures taken up for the UPS and battery placement
  • Fire hazards that pose a potential threat to the environment.
Audit Recommendations:
  • Safe and climate-controlled placement of UPS & batteries
  • Overloading or Underloading of UPS
  • Possible resolution of UPS issues
  • Network speed drops
  • Sudden connectivity failure with devices
  • Wireless signal strength issues
  • Network architecture and design
  • Cable routing and type of cables being utilised
  • Active and passive network components
Audit Recommendations:
  • Network architecture &design as per best practices
  • Cabling standards and routing
  • Network equipment safe placement & environment
  • Active & Passive (wired & wireless) components maintenance
  • High-availability setup for minimal downtime
  • Possible resolution of network performance issues
  • Internet connectivity speed drops
  • Failover and load-balancing setup
  • Bandwidth utilisation
  • Unauthorised usage of internet services
  • Content filtering to avoid certain categories of websites
  • Firewall setup (policies for allowing/disallowing user access to websites)
  • Email services (unauthorised sending of emails, blocking of attachments, controlling size or type of attachments).
Audit Recommendations:
  • Internet bandwidth usage & requirements
  • Restriction of unauthorized bandwidth usage
  • Load balancing & failover configuration
  • Email filtering for data monitoring
  • Firewall policies for optimal security
  • Increased downtime of servers
  • Recovery from crash (both physical and virtual)
  • Storage space management
  • Operating system compatibility issues
  • Automated backup and restoration of the backed-up data
  • Performance of server, storage and backup equipment for optimum operations
Audit Recommendations:
  • Optimal configuration for servers based on the user load
  • Storage technology and space based on usage and forecast
  • Best practices for the Backup and Restoration process
  • Maintenance of server equipment for minimal downtime
  • Possible resolution of server, storage and backup issues
  • Recovery from crashes and minimising the downtime
  • Repair / replacement and upgrade spares availability
  • Standard hardware configuration across the organisation
  • End-to-end audit or sampling audit can be scoped as required.
Audit Recommendations:
  • Optimal configuration for desktops/laptops based on usage parameters
  • Maintenance of desktop/laptop including spares as per best practices
  • Asset tagging & maintenance
  • Possible resolution of desktop/laptop issues
  • Unauthorised usage of software by staff
  • Legal compliance issue due to pirated applications
  • Find actual gaps in the license
  • Identify open source alternatives to reduce investments
Audit Recommendations:
  • Identification of unlicensed software and gap in available licenses
  • Recommendation on open source / freeware alternatives
  • Vulnerable network
  • USB / Email data leakage
  • Physical security (entry/exit registering, CCTV surveillance)
  • End-to-end Logical security (including VA-PT audits)
  • Data and equipment theft
Audit Recommendations:
  • Recommendation for mitigating VA-PT Gaps
  • Hardened Server environment for robust security
  • Firewall policy and monitoring
  • Recommendations for physical security as per best practices


Identify Security Risks

Audits can help identify security vulnerabilities and risks in an organization's IT systems and infrastructure, such as weak passwords, outdated software, or unpatched systems. Identifying these risks can help prevent security breaches, data theft, and other cyber threats.

Ensure Compliance

IT audits can help ensure that an organization is complying with relevant laws and regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Improve Efficiency

IT audits can identify areas of an organization's IT systems and infrastructure that are inefficient or not functioning optimally. By identifying and addressing these issues, IT audits can help improve the efficiency of an organization's IT operations, reduce downtime, and increase productivity.

Provide Assurance

IT audits can provide valuable insights into an organization's IT systems and infrastructure that can inform strategic planning and decision-making. This can help an organization align its IT investments with its overall business objectives and priorities.

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